Učimo kroz igru – razvoj govora

Igre za decu i roditelje su nastale tokom naših radionica u okviru Centra za rani razvoj koje je Udruženje pokrenulo 2012. godine uz podršku kancelarije UNICEF-a u Srbiji.

Tokom 2019. i 2020. godine, ove igre i naš pristup preneli smo kao primer dobre prakse na još 6 zemalja u okruženju u okviru međunarodnog projekta „START“ koji se realizovao uz podršku WorldVision Nemačka u saradnji sa AgroInvest Fondacijom Srbija.

U okviru projekta razvijen je poseban sajt „deci je dosadno“gde su igre kao i drugi korisni saveti za roditelje i profesionalce postavljeni na 7 jezika u saradnji sa partnerima.

Partneri na projektu su bile mreže organizacija za decu iz: Bosne i Hercegovine ssociation Organizacija „Naša djeca“ “Our Children” i Mreža Snažnji glas za djecu(SVC), Srbije: Mreža organizacija za decu Srbije – MODS, Kosova*: Koalicija organizacija za zaštitu dece, Kosovo (KOMF), Jermenije: Mreža za zaštitu dece, JermenijaGruzije: Koalicija za decu i mlade Gruzije (CCY)i Albanije: Nacionalna Asocijacija za edukaciju (SHKEJ).

Autorke sadržaja:

Dragana Soćanin, Master defektolog – logoped, ko-autorka programa Centra za rani razvoj i koordinatorka za razvoj u 6 zemalja na START projektu.

Marija Končar, Master defektolog, voditeljka radionica Centra za rani razvoj, stručna saradnica na START projektu.

Projektni menadžment:

Iva Kljakić, upraviteljka AgroInvest Fondacije, glavna menadžerka START projekta

Gordana Plemić, direktorka Udruženja Roditelj i koorinatorka aktivnosti START projekta u Srbiji.

These are games that help children in learning, acquiring concepts, developing gross and fine motor skills and developing speech and language.

The games were created during our workshops with parents and children within the Early Childhood Development (ECD) intervention model, which we launched in 2012 with the support of the UNICEF office in Serbia. In 2019 and 2020 we transferred our approach as the best practice model to 6 other countries in the Wider Black Sea region (AlbaniaArmeniaBosnia and HerzegovinaGeorgia, Kosovo* and Serbia).

We have partnered with other Networks of CSOs who work with children in these countries throughout the international project „START“.

START project was supported by World Vision Germany (WVD)and lead by AgroInvest Foundation Serbia, with an aim to support quality early childhood development in the Wider Black Sea region.The main goal was to facilitate the access to knowledge repository and practice among educators and parents. It also aimed to strengthen the CSOs in their efforts to advocate for the ECD interventions in their local countries and raise awareness of the importance, equity, equality and accessibility of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC).

One of the added value is parents – teachers partnership established locally with tendency to grow through regional best practice sharing and horizontal learning process.

As part of the project, a website „kids are bored“ was developed, where games as well as other useful tips for parents and professionals are posted in 7 languages in cooperation with partners.

START Project’s partners: Serbia: Association Parent (Serbian Parents Network) and Network of Organizations for Children in Serbia (MODS), Bosnia and Herzegovina: Association “Our Children” on behalf of Stronger Voices for Children (SVC), Kosovo*: Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection in Kosovo (KOMF), Armenia: Child Protection Network, Georgia: Coalition for Children and Youth (CCY) and Albania: The National Education Association for Life (SHKEJ).

Authors of the content and workshops:

Dragana Soćanin, Speech and Language therapist, M.Sci., founder and co-author of Early Childhood Deveopment intervention model in Serbia and START project Development Coordinator.

Marija Končar, Special Educator, Serbian Parents Network associate and workshop leader.

Additional Project Management:

Iva Kljakić, manager of the AgroInvest Foundation,  START Project Manager

Gordana Plemić, director of the Parent Association and Coordinator of START project activities in Serbia.

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